Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

She came one day,
In a dream,
She showed me
The way.
I see her often
She guides me down
The right path.

But sometimes,
She leads me
I walk the
Wrong way.
But I allow her
To push me
To where she
Wont's me to go.
I am under her

Until he come along.
He is my angel
He leads me right,
And makes me happy
He leads me down
A path
That I have never
been on.
But this one
Is the only
Right one.

The other ones
I have been
They were wrong.
And the path
I'm on now
Is the one
I never stray off
Because he is my,

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The big smile,
The last smile,
The one thing,
I remember,
Squeezing his hand,
Tighter because i didn't wont,
to loose him,
But he was taken away from me,
you see,
And all I wont is,
For him to come back.
We all need help,
To understand,
To believe ,
What we are told,
We all have questions,
They will be answered,
But you first have to realise
that you need help,
You are falling away,
And all the people around you no,
The God you wont to know
It the only thing you just cant,
Understand and believe.
One father,
One mother,
One brother,
And one sister,
She has happy,
She loved them,
But one day,
She feel to the ground,
Woke up knowing something.
Something was wrong,
Her family beside her,
For the girl was sick you see,
But one day she left,
the family she loved,
God had called her to Himself,
But she watches over them,
And her love from them,
it grows stronger,
With each new day.
Her mother crys,
Her son no where
To be seen.
She screams his name,
But he doesnt come,
Her son had gone oneday,
He never did come back,
They found him,
Lying so cold, so wet,
She screams his name,
As he watchs over her,
From heaven.
Her eyes so black,
But her face so white,
her smile so lovely,
As she jumps around,
Shes happy you can see,
She has accepted it,
And taken the time,
To get where she is today.
It glides through the air,
It hits where it is sent,
It punchers the skin,
And it moves futher in,
It breaks the heart,
and in it goes,
The persons life is over,
Because of one little,
metal bulett.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I see him looking,
But I dont care,
I wont to laugh,
I wont to be just me.
It was a lie,
I knew it,
I tricked myself,
And now im glad,
Glad that is it over,
That I dont need to hide,
From you who I really am.
He went one day,
And in the ground he lay,
He smiled,
One pile,
Of all his things,
All around crying,
I miss him
And the smile he would bring.
He helps me,
He makes me smile,
He jokes,
And he always cares,
Always talking,
Helping eachother through ,
one friendship that
Will last forever,
Never doubting,
that it will end,
A friendship that
we truly care about.
One smile,
One look,
One laugh,
All the same,
Happy as ever,
Not caring at all,
Just getting through,
One day at a time.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Trying to hide the pain
for this,
It is going to be so hard to do,
The other pain was easy,
I could run away from it,
But this is something,
I carnt turn my back on.
So long,
What to do?
Life is going to change,
I can see it already,
Only a few hours after.
You wonted it
I could see,
Im sure it is right,
Even though it hurts,
It hurts more than anything,
But im never going to show
to you,
How sore it really is.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A random peom from poetry class

But little do they no,
My car it doesnt not go
It putts along nicely
And it is growning ugly.
No more babies for you or me
Cos we are not together but up a tree
And lets not go into that.
The tears dont fall,
The smile comes back,
Life starts to go on again.
Another day dawning,
Another smile to put on,
Laughing and smiling like normal.

They all look sad for us,
They treat us so differantly,
But all it does is help us remember.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hes hated
But loved,
By some.

Hes accused
But still loves
And cares

Hes a freind
A brother,
A councellar

Only known for a time
But still trusted,
And still loved.
One class after the next
All differant moods,
One smile and one laugh,
All just one big cover up.

Sadness comes quickly,
But happiness is hard to find,
One word and it is all gone,
And the one person i need isnt there.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The door opens,
One smell all around,
The lights not going,
And one man sitting there.

The one laugh,
Tells you everything,
Sadness creaks up
And tears start to come.
We feel the pain all as one
The pain that hurts the heart
The only thing that brings tears
The one pain that we feel.

We all go on as if it isnt there
The tears, the sadness, and the pain
We cary on our daily things,still smiling
While the pain hurts as it turns inside us.
Life has its heart-aches
It doesnt always smile at you
We have all had hard times.

We cry and try to hide it
We smile and laugh like normal
While it eats away our insides.

Monday, June 2, 2008

From the mouth comes lies
From the bottle comes forgetfulness
And and from us only comes the tears.

The bottle is a way to forget for him
But does he realise how sad it is ?
The only thing it causes is sadness.
The sun comes up
The town awakes
They all get ready
But little do they no.

They say thier goodbyes
And they send their love
Give thier hugs,turn, and walk away
But little do they no.

They meet thier freinds
And in the class they go
They are told to sit
But little do they no.

But little do they no
That one day thier lives will change
They will loose and they will gain
But for now they just live thier lives.
He tries to understand
But will he ever?
He gives advice
But is it right?

He tells you to get through
But does he even no the pain?
All the words that come from his mouth
But does he hear them himself?
So many questions
But answer never to be seen
All they wont you to do is
Believe and no questions to be asked.
Its up and downs
The way it moves so swiftly
It can devour you
within one single heart-beat.

It takes so many lives
Some lives not even been lived
It drags them under
As they gasp for thier final breathe

Will thier eyes shut?
Never to open again?
Or will they live
To see this world fall apart?
Why does he do it?
Well that is one thing
I could never answer.

It hurts the pain we feel
It brings tears to our eyes
But we no that he will never stop.